Adventures of discipleship at NLCH in Guatemala

Elias’s Baptism

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“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:18-20

Here at New Life Children’s Home we have a rotation of guards that work twenty four hours on and twenty four off. One evening I was sent out in a van with one of our guards to go pick up one of our girls from school. While we were sitting in traffic I asked this guard what he thought about the Bible and Jesus. He told me that he loves the Lord and knows He is important for both him and his family. The problem was, he told me, he couldn’t understand the Bible. He would read every day but he just felt like he needed someone or something to help him. After listening to him, I told him “I am here for exactly that reason, to help people understand the Bible.” I’m a missionary and I don’t know if this ministry opportunity could have made itself any clearer. I asked him if he wanted I could start helping him in the evenings that he works, we can sit down to talk about Jesus and the Bible. He quickly agreed, and ever since I have been discipling Elias.

Shortly after we started meeting I discovered that Elias had no formal education. He grew up in a poor family and worked in the streets doing whatever he could as soon as he could, to help the family. It was amazing to hear how God had obviously had His eye on him from the start. I heard stories like how Elias learned how to read from basically washing busses and asking what was written on them, or how a man took Elias under his wing for a short time and would buy him cloths, food, and encourage him to live a better life. I heard many stories of physical healing in his family, and spiritual healing in his heart. God just protected and provided for him all his life including before his moment of salvation. God has delivered him from addiction, anger, self loathing, and has shown him that he belongs to a great God who Loves him, and has called him.

It has been an amazing process of growth, and understanding, for both Elias and I. These past few months have been full of teaching, sharing, and praying. He has taught me a lot about Guatemalan culture, and the need for the Gospel in this place. As well he has inspired me with his meekness and Love for the Lord. This guy is so humble and thankful for everything that God provides. In that he has taught me much.

It was an awesome privilege to baptize this man. After the baptism I asked him “Was it what you expected?” and he said “Yes, I had been praying and asking God what is the next step in getting closer to Him and I believe this was it.” Responses like that show me incredible growth and maturity. Elias is a man chasing after God, he desires to care for his community, share the Gospel, and he desires to be a Godly husband and father. This is what I am here for and why God has brought me here. I am here to make Disciples, teaching them all that the Lord has taught me, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Then telling them to go and do the same.That is the will of the Father for Guatemala and all the world.

Love God

Love People

 Make Disciples.

A Normal Week


This is probably the most asked question we get-

“What does a normal week look like for you two?”

We dread hearing this question sometimes because most weeks a little monster seems to pick up our “normal schedule”, smash it on the ground, stomp on it, then eat it. Every week seems to have some kind of twist that throws the rest of the week out of wack. Whether it be all of the sudden doctors/clinic visits, cars breaking down, new kids, kids leaving, pipes bursting, conferences, retreats, teams/groups, or giant donations(of food or other items), it really can change up your schedule. Not to mention almost all these things can seriously happen at any time….So that being said I still believe it’s a good question to be answered, here is our “Normal Schedule.”

Mondays are “Shopping” days for the missionary women. Our Director Wendy, Ma-Maw, and my wife Ashley all pack into a micro bus(big van) and head off grocery shopping for the Children’s Home and all of our households. This is no small task and takes up most, if not all, of their day. While they are out Mondays can either be a  crazy maintenance work day, or it could be a slower day where I get to get started on a blog post, have a Skype meeting, read a chapter or two in a book, and/or prepare plans for my Bible study later in the week.

Most weekdays I am out helping Pa-Paw (Tommy our maintenance director). We do anything from plumbing, electrical, to building and refinishing furniture. Ashley can be doing anything from taking care of our finances, planning and informing me of special events we are doing for the kids, doing our budget expense reports, and other odds and ends. As well, after lunch Ashley usually will go out and help House Mom’s with the kids and restoring some sanity to our wonderful staff. Around five in the evening almost all of the missionaries are outside enjoying time with the kids and staff. It’s kinda like family time, all the kids are running around taking turns playing with all of us and in between playing with the kids we get to sit and enjoy conversation with the Guatemalan staff or other missionaries.

As well every other day I have a discipleship time with one of our guards Elias. Our guards work 24 hours on and 24 off. So whenever Elias is working, around 5pm, I have discipleship time with him. We talk about his life, his family, what he is reading in the Bible, and all kinds of stuff that go’s with life on life discipleship (if you want to know what exactly I mean by “life on life discipleship”, message me because there is not room in this post to explain). Elias is my main disciple here in Guatemala and I Love spending time with him and making an impact in both of our daily lives.

Wednesdays I have my Bible study with three boys who have committed to come. They are about middle school age so that should give you an idea of what that looks like. And Ashley has her Bible study with a group of about 6 young women every Friday, their ages range from 14-22. Ashley’s Bible study goes through books of the Bible while my study is more topical. Saturday evenings I have one on one Discipleship times with two boys who have expressed interest in diving deeper into the Word. In one we are studying John, and in the other we are learning the basics of how to read the Bible.

So that is more or less what a “normal week” looks like for us. When teams come down it really changes our schedule but we still manage to squeeze in most of what I have mentioned. Life as a missionary in a Children’s Home is a little chaotic (at least it is for me), but we hold on to the promises of God and lean on Him for strength. I guess its something like raising a group of toddlers, some days nothing goes as planned and you just look to the heavens and say “ok Lord give me strength and patience” and continue with the day that the Lord has made.

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Nebaj was a great trip that hopefully had an effect on our boys for eternity to come. Back in December all the young men at NLCH packed into a micro bus and headed to Nebaj! Nebaj is a village up in the mountains of Guatemala, it was a major battleground in the civil war here for most of the war. Now that the war is over, the village has been able to rebuild and start life again. One of our missionaries, Mike McComb, and his family, have been blessed with an amazing property there. Mike is little by little turning the property into a ministry center, a place where they can host retreats, camps, and mission trips, for both nationals and foreigners alike. He also works with villages up higher in the mountains with his friend who is a bit of a christian legend. The short story there is this man saved countless people during the war and after the war he returned to his home and led a revival in the entire area. The gospel is so strong there that just about every person living in those villages are saved! Its hard to believe but I believe it to be true, the presence of the Gospel is strong there.


What we were coming to do was to help Mike complete more of the fence that is slowly making its way around the property to help with security. As well we made an afternoon trip up to a village further in the mountains called Copcop to play games with the kids, smash some piñatas, share a message, and give small Christmas gifts to the kids (small toys with a bible verse taped to them.) Also two of our boys stepped up and shared their testimony’s for the first time! It is always a awesome thing to witness, especially since the village spoke a different language so they got a taste of what it feels like to speak through a translator! I was so proud of those two young men, its hard for a lot of our kids to talk about their past at all, let alone share it with a church full of strangers!


The trip was well balanced with service and teaching. Every night one of us leaders would lead a devotional around the fireplace. Those were the moments I loved most, there is just something about sitting around a fire, talking about Jesus, with coffee in my hand, that just feels right! To add to it Mike is an awesome story teller and man does he have stories to share, he always had the guys attention when he spoke. Mike was one of those guys that when you look at him you really see Jesus. His actions, his words, and his humbleness is so christlike that in my opinion its hard to miss.


One evening he even led us in praying for healing for one of his workers, she had been in a lot of pain and she knew that our God is a Healer. We all gathered around and we gave the opportunity to two of our boys to pray for this woman, that Jesus would heal her for His glory! The next morning we were blessed by an answer to prayer, she came to us and told us that after the prayer the pain was gone and she had full use of her arm which was in so much pain just moments before! Praise God! Our young men were able to witness the amazing power of prayer and and our God!





I had a good time on this trip and I believe all of our guys enjoyed it as well. I had the opportunity to really bond with some of them and since the trip the boys just feel a little bit closer to me. In the past when we would pass each other on property we would exchange hellos but nothing more than the average person. The days after the trip when the guys would see me they would hug me, give me high fives, and ask what I was up to. Its just cool to see how God brings us together. I pray that this trip had an impact on how these guys see God and their faith. I pray that this trip impacted their eternity. I pray that if nothing else this time with them helped them come closer to Jesus and what it really means to be a Christian, a Jesus follower.


Thank you to those who gave and helped support this trip! special thanks to our home church Countryside Chapel for your generous contribution! What you guys gave really impacted what we were able to do on our trip! It was so cool to know that our home church supported us over and beyond what we ever imagined, we Love you all so much! God Bless.

God Gives, and Gives Through His People

“Hi Shaun and Ashley, we would like to pay for the $750 of your remaining missions school expense. I’m so excited to tell you about how God used you to bless JR and me. In October 2013 – the day after I left my full-time job to become a stay at home mom – JR was injured on the job. He needs knee surgery in order to return to work. He works for a state prison and their insurance reps. automatically denied his work comp.. We spent the entire last year in litigation fighting for his rights to get the medical care he needs, his salary and our family’s health benefits restored. I have spent the last year working part-time jobs as much as I can. We have been filled with worry looking at our bills, mortgage and groceries and wondering how we could make it all work. Through it all, we haven’t been able to give, but the one thing we stayed committed to was the little $25 we sent you each month. God has taught us so much in this last year. We have grown in our marriage and most of all we’ve really understood what it is to trust God for provision. This month, we won our work comp case, which means JR can have the knee surgery he needs, he keeps his seniority at his job, his salary is provided for each month and we have health insurance again. And the icing on the cake is that we received a check for a year’s worth of salary – minus a lot of taxes, of course:) God is good and we are so thankful for this journey. In that time, our needs were always met and somehow are of our monthly bills were always paid. We are so thrilled about the missions work you’re doing at the orphanage and we’re excited to have even the smallest contribution to it…”

This was a message we received a few weeks back. I was out at the airport with Pa-Paw(another missionary) dropping off a team and Ashley was holding down the fort at home. We both received the message on our phones and read the amazing story of God’s provision and the generosity of His followers. We feel so blessed to receive this testimony of faith and trust. It never ceases to amaze me how our Father always gives us what we need.

I also sent out an email to my Discipler back home and just asked if he could talk to a few people about giving toward a mission trip/boys retreat that we plan on doing in December for our older boys here at the home. We are going out to help another missionary couple who live out in the mountains. We will be working with a church helping the community as well as helping out the missionaries with whatever they need. All I was expecting was fifty dollars, or if were were lucky maybe one hundred dollars, but we were blessed with so much more! God and His people, my fellow brothers and sisters, fill my heart with Joy with these surprises.

I Love being connected and partnering with people who believe in the mission of God in the world, And I Love sharing these testimonies of blessing so others may rejoice at the wonderful awesomeness of God and His children! So please read and rejoice with us as we steward what the Lord has given us because He Loves us.

Traffic, Residency, and a Ticket Booth

Ashley and I have finished our time in Texas at S.O.M (School of Missions) and have started getting settled in and enjoying being back in Guatemala. When we left for Texas we had a residency meeting set for three days after our return flight to Guatemala. So let me tell you the tale of that wonderful day of the traffic, the residency, and the ticket booth.

The day started off leaving New Life Children’s Home at 6:30 in the morning. Our residency meeting was set for 8:30 in the neighboring city. Now in low traffic this is about a half hour drive, so why six thirty in the morning you ask? Traffic… Traffic is why. We were moving literally about five to six feet at a time. This wouldn’t have been so bad except I was driving a standard with a pretty hard-to-push clutch and every time I stopped we would move another five to six feet, and to make it worse it was mostly giant hills. MY LEFT LEG WAS THROBBING AFTER TEN MINUTES! So now every chance I get I’m throwing it in neutral and trying to massage my leg so it may continue to function the rest of the day. All this and don’t even get me started on all the lanes stopping because someone rear-ended someone and all the motorcycles zipping through the small spaces between cars passing traffic (ignoring a recent law that prohibits such driving between lanes. But props to the skills and reaction speed required for such driving..)

Finally (after driving past it once) we see the parking garage that we were told is the best place to park for our residency meeting. So I circled around a few blocks and pull up, press the button on the ticket machine and gain my passage into the garage. I receive the ticket and pull forward and hear quite a strange loud crashing sound as I pull away. Now I didn’t feel anything so I assumed it was just someone either A- crashing in the street (not all that uncommon, or B- simply someone driving over a loose storm drain the the garage (you know how sound is amplified in those places.) So I continue on my way looking for a parking spot. As I try to find a parking spot a man waves be over and knocks on my window. I compliantly roll down my window and he proceeds to inform me that I have broken the ticket machine. Now at this moment we are supposed to be at the residency meeting soooo this is not good! I apologized and asked what I needed to do, he took some of my information and my US drivers license and walked me down to the garage office where I would talk to the boss. After shaking hands and introducing ourselves he showed me the machine which had stopped dispensing tickets and was slightly twisted off of its base. I informed him that my spanish was a little rusty because I had just spent three months in the states, so he asked if there was anyone who we could call to talk so we could get this handled faster, so we called our great leader Kendon! A moment later the man handed us back our phone and said it was okay for us to leave for our meeting “because it is very important you make this meeting for your residency!” We were so thankful to hear those words!

Now we basically ran/speed-walked the two blocks to the government office and were to our meeting in no time! This is where things get strange, normally things don’t run this smoothly in these places but praise the Lord it did! Our lawyer who was helping us through the process told us this meeting would be about twenty minutes each and we could probably get in next! So sure enough after no time Ashley was in her meeting! We were told for this meeting we would have to be able to answer questions confirming our identity, questions like “What is your eye color? Birth date? Hair color? Height? Weight? Mothers middle name etc. Well none of that was necessary. We took a picture, verified our information on a computer screen and we were out of there in five minutes!! WE WERE DONE! IT WAS AWESOME!! Anyone who has dealt with third world government knows the excitement of how easy and quick that was!

Back to the garage… We got back and we were introduced to the garage insurance representative. He was kind and said this shouldn’t be a big problem and it should be done quick after our insurance representative gets here. So we were now sitting and waiting in the office, a small room with a desk for the boss and a wall of TV monitors showing security footage. Oh and the man controlling the monitors was graciously showing the footage of the moment I hit the machine over and over and over and over and over and over…. The best part was you could barely tell I hit the machine in the video haha. We had been waiting quite a while now so both the boss of the garage and Kendon had called the insurance company again asking where the representative was? During this time the man controlling the monitors informed me that someone had just broken a different part of the machine last week! We all had a good laugh over the situation.

Soon enough, because of the many phone calls, not just one but three representatives showed up haha! We were all laughing in the office joking that now we have a party! Luckily they figured out three of them showed up and two left and one came to help us. During the whole time we were waiting I was praying that all this would be covered and the Lord would deliver us from the mess. Praise be to God, He granted us my request!!! After some photos, paperwork, and our statement of what happened, the insurance guy made a phone call and said we were covered!! Now I was ready to run, not because of the relief of it all being covered but because I had to pee sense seven that morning and I had been holding it for three hours!! My bladder was screaming is pain! I asked where the bathroom was and victoriously relieved myself. Through another chain of events God blessed us by bringing us a man who stamped our parking pass with a free parking pass so we didn’t even have to pay for our parking all morning! God is Good!

Our day ended sitting in a McDonald’s, me eating a Big Mac attempting to celebrate our granted prayer and a successful residency meeting, and Ashley sitting trying to relax because she had not been feeling well and the stress of the day made her feel even worse so she didn’t think she could handle food at the moment. I would love to say that we were energized by the answers to prayer and blessings through this stressful day but honestly we were exhausted! Our stomachs were all twisted up and our chests were tight! Our bodies were aching from all the stress. But you know what, God was faithful, He was good to us, and we could rest in the peace that we were alive and in the end today was a victory.

Just another missionary story.

An Unexpected Rebuke

Sense our first class here at mission school my class mates and I have been starting off our day by having five minutes of silent prayer followed by the Lords Prayer, and on Mondays and Fridays we read Colossians 3 out loud together. It has been a great way to start off our days and has helped me bring myself to a state of readiness for what I am about to learn.


So today, a Monday, we started it off like all the others. We read Colossians 3 together, had our five minutes of silence, and recited the Lords Prayer together. After a small devotional was shared, our new teacher stood up and went to the front of the class and said something like this, “How do you feel when you read a scripture like that? How does it make you feel reading these commands?” We all silently paused thinking a moment.. I said “Well its nice to read clear direction.” and a class mate stated “Its a list of things that we need to be striving for and working toward..” Then the conversation took a turn he said, “How do we do any of these things?.. By grace through Faith in the Power of the Holy Spirit right!?……. If you forget this, then you are just turning these commands into laws to follow, laws to follow to earn God through works!” Now this conversation went on much longer, and afterwards he proceeded to rock us a little bit on the Lords prayer as well, but what he was hitting at here pierced my soul. How often do I read the Bible and end my thoughts with something along the lines of “I can try harder to set my mind on things above..” or “I need to be more patient..” Now I am not saying anything is wrong with these statements exactly but what is wrong is thinking that through my effort alone I can do any of this! Too often I don’t think about the role of Grace, Faith, and the Holy Spirit in my process to change. I don’t remember that even the capacity I have to realize I need to change is Grace from God working in me through faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. I forget sometimes that it always rounds back to God. He not only reveals to me the darkness I dwell in, but in Grace gives me His Spirit to empower me to walk through it to righteousness.  Jesus said “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” John 14:12-14 All of that is done by Grace through Faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. God has given us a way to change and it’s not through our own effort, it’s through Faith.


We Love God because He first Loved us, Jesus died on the cross to reconcile us with the Father, and he sanctifies us with His  indwelling Spirit to will and to do the will of God.


Colossians 3:1-17  “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”


Right now I really feel that patience is something God is trying to teach me. I feel like I have been waiting so long to get to Guatemala and actually do what I feel called to. But we just keep having things that God wants done first. At times it is so frustrating because I just want to be there. But then I learn an important lesson or have an opportunity and I realize that God is working it out perfectly in his timing. I am trying to learn that its not always the timeline I expect or the way I expect, but God does work in us and through us. I feel like I have been in an in-between place for so long and I don’t like it, but maybe its exactly what I need. A time to really focus, to dive deeper, to seek Him more. It isn’t always fun, but its good. I can’t wait to actually be in Guatemala and start working in September. But I need to be content where God has me even now. Always looking to the next thing, you will miss whats going on right now. I don’t want to do that. I want to live patiently enjoying today and what it has to offer.

What we needed

The past couple of weeks, we have been able to spend more time with people, especially some new friends. It has been so helpful and just what we needed. The past couple fridays we have gone to the apartment of a missionary couple, and along with another couple, we spent the evening playing games or just talking. These two couples have been such a huge blessing to us recently. They are all part of a different ministry but are here in Antigua to learn Spanish as well. Also both couples got married this past year. It has been awesome to spend time with couples that are in a similar place in life and just enjoy each other. 

A couple weeks ago when we went to their house, we got to play a crazy game that was basically just to make us all laugh and enjoy. It was so refreshing and fun. As the night went on, God showed his power and we got to see one of the active volcanoes spewing lava every once in a while. It was pretty awesome to see. Eventually we started talking about Jesus and we loved having that type of community once more. There is nothing like talking about Jesus and life with those who love the Lord. We left feeling refreshed and full. 

This time in Antigua has been hard for us at times. We have had a lot of time and some days not much energy. For a while we didn’t really have any friends, but this last while we have been blessed. We also have a new missionary here with our ministry and it has been great getting to know him better as well. I really feel like God has been giving us exactly what we needed and helping us remember the importance and rewards of community. Its crazy how God can bring people into our lives for even a short time and yet encourage us so much through them.


Ashley and I have been have been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster lately. Now don’t worry we are ok and no super tragic event has happened in our lives. It’s just language school can get depressing and tedious sometimes. There are many times when we just feel like we just can’t learn anymore and our brains are just going to explode! Seeing progress in language school is difficult but the Lord seems to send encouragement just when we need it! Just talking for myself (Shaun) I had been feeling really discouraged about my spanish progress and last week the Lord put someone in my path to encourage me. About every Sunday night Ashley and I walk down to a local Dominoes Pizza for our weekly pizza and bread sticks, it’s our weekly taste of normalcy, and after I ordered our food we sat down to wait and I quickly noticed the next man in line was in trouble. He was frantically looking at the menu and you could tell he didn’t know spanish. He began to order and well… It was a train wreck to watch, and quite comical from our perspective. The cashier just looked confused and well… So did the customer.. So I jumped up to the counter and tried to help this guy out. We quickly got his order figured out and he thanked me. This guy that I just helped literally knew the amount of spanish I knew when I entered this country, in just a few minutes I had an exact comparison to where I was and where I am now! And ohhh man how have I improved! It was really nice to be able to help someone communicate and build my confidence.

I have still been reading the bible every day with my teacher and our conversations about the text are always an adventure and great practice for when I will be having similar conversations in the children’s home with the kids. Ashley still loves studying with her teacher and lately they have been going to the markets together and Ashley is getting to know were to get just about anything in Antigua.

We are getting very excited because we only have somewhere around nine more weeks left of language school then we will be able to enjoy a longer stay with the kids in the home! We are just ready to be in the Home with the kids and doing what we came to do. But we know this preparation is important and we know the Lord has a plan and he has people right here right now to talk and minister to. Please continue to pray for us and our marriage as our unity is an important piece of our ministry, and please pray that God just continues to show us more and more of Himself so that we may know and be better missionaries to the people and children of Guatemala.

The last few weeks we have really been fighting sickness. First I got a cold for a few days, then Shaun had parasites, then we both felt good for a bit, and now Shaun seems to be getting a cold. So if you could please be praying for our health we would appreciate it! It really sets us back in learning when we don’t feel well.

Lately Shaun and I have been reading the book called Real Marriage, by Mark Driscoll in our free time. It has been a great way for us to see ways to improve our marriage and then work towards those things. We have been really grateful for the book and the things it is teaching us. Like how we can better show each other our love in practical ways. Since we spend almost all of our time together(and a lot of that alone together), we have been bad at being intentional with our relationship. But this book has really been challenging us and it has been great to see how it is affecting our marriage even after just a few chapters.

This past weekend some of our friends from the Children’s Home came to visit us. It was so refreshing and great to have them here! Being in a place with not many friends really helps you appreciate them more!

In school, I switched teachers last week. Our school does one-on-one teaching and you are able to change teachers each week if you would want. I had been studying with the same teacher for a while and since she had taught me the basics of the grammar and tenses that I still needed, I thought it would be a good time to change. Sometimes hearing someone else’s voice, with a different vocabulary and different themes of conversation can really push you. I felt that I was in a good place to change so I did. I was able to start studying with the teacher I had as an intern and it has been great catching up with her. She is such a great woman and she has really been challenging and pushing me further. We even read the bible and she makes me explain what I read. She teaches the kids at her church sometimes so that has been helpful in showing me ways to communicate clearly in spanish for kids too!

Shaun continues to study with the same teacher. Since he didn’t have any spanish before coming he isn’t probably going to change for a while at least. He really enjoys his teacher as well and reads the bible with him most days too. This week we decided to make flash cards to increase his vocabulary. I have really seen him growing and learning Spanish well. We are both even able to pray for our meals in Spanish now(though we probably sound like little kids!). 

It has been really good getting past the time where we feel brain dead after school. We are thankful to be able to focus reading and catching up with friends and family when possible. If you would like to Skype or FaceTime us sometimes, message us on Facebook and we will figure out when a good time is to do that!

We are currently in week 12 of school. Some days it feels slow but we are sure it will be over before we realize! We are almost half way done!